课题组组长,闫致强,2004年获复旦大学学士学位。2004-2009年分别于中国科学院神经科学研究所、北京生命科学研究所以及中科院生物物理研究所进行博士研究并获得博士学位。2009-2013加州大学旧金山分校及霍华德·休斯医学研究所师从美国科学院院士詹裕农,叶公杼 (Yuh-Nung Jan,Lily Jan) 进行博士后研究。2013年任复旦大学生命科学学院教授、博士生导师,获得上海高校特聘教授(东方学者,2014)、上海市青年科技启明星(2014),2020年加入深圳湾实验室分子生理所任资深研究员、副所长。2024年加入首都医科大学任基础医学院院长、博士生导师,首都医学科学创新中心任资深研究员、医学生理研究所所长。以通讯作者在Neuron, Nature Structural & Molecular Biology, PNAS, Nature Communications, eLife, Cell Reports,Genome Research等国际高水平杂志发表多篇论文。获4项国家科技部重大研究计划、2项国家自然科学基金委面上项目支持。
Dr. Zhiqiang Yan obtained his bachelor's degree from Fudan University in 2004, Then, he pursued his Ph.D. degree in Neurobiology, Institute of Neuroscience, Chinese Academy of Sciences, National Institute of Biology Sciences, Beijing & Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences from 2004-2009. He received postdoctoral training in both Lily Jan’ group and Yuh Nung Jan' group at Howard Hughes Medical Institute &University of California at San Francisco, San Francisco, USA. In 2013, he was appointed as a professor in Fudan University. Then, he joined Shenzhen Bay Laboratory as a senior principal investigator at 2020 and appointed as deputy director at 2022. Then, he joined Capital Medical University as the Dean and doctoral supervisor of the school of Basic Medical Sciences, and joined the Chinese Institutes for Medical Research (CIMR) in Beijing as a senior principal investigator and director of the Institute for Medical Physiology at 2024. He has won honors such as Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP) Long-term Fellowship (2010), Shanghai Youth Science and Technology Venus (2014), The Shanghai Rising-Star Program (2014), etc. Dr. Yan has published papers as corresponding author (including co-authors) in journals including Neuron, Nature Structural & Molecular Biology, PNAS, Nature Communications, eLife, Cell Reports, etc. He was supported by 4 National Key Research and Development Projects of China and 2 general programs of the National Natural Science Foundation of China.
1. 听觉、触觉、痛觉、湿度感觉、渴觉等感觉受体的鉴定,其装配和工作机制研究,以及这些受体在其他重要生理过程中的作用,例如消化和免疫反应。
2. 解析感觉受体离子通道及其复合物的蛋白结构、分析离子通透性和门控机制等。
3. 鉴定在触觉、痛觉、平衡觉、听觉、渴觉、内脏感觉等的关键神经细胞群和神经回路。
4. 研究遗传性耳聋的致病机理、诊断以及基因治疗。
Research direction:
We study sensory neurobiology, focuses on identifying the receptors and neural circuits for sensation and interoception, studies their working mechanism and related the diseases in sensory system.
1. Identify the receptors for hearing, touch, pain, and thirst sensation, study the gating and assembly of the related sensory transduction complex, and explore their functions in various physiological processes, such as digestion and immunity.
2. Analysis of the protein structures of sensory receptor ion channels and their complexes, as well as the examination of ion permeability and gating mechanisms.
3. Map the critical neuronal groups and circuits for sensation and interoception such as touch, pain, vestibular and thirst sensation.
4. Study pathogenic mechanism, diagnosis and treatment of congenital hearing loss.
We are looking for aspiring young people with professional backgrounds in neurobiology, molecular biology and biochemistry, cell biology, structural biology, pharmaceutical chemistry, etc. are sincerely invited. The laboratory welcomes the integration and development of multi-disciplinary specialties.
1. 博士研究生/硕士研究生 (Ph.D. and Master's Students)
The research group is recruiting long-term master's and doctoral students. Welcome to apply for admission (Capital Medical University or Chinese Institutes for Medical Research, Beijing).
2. 博士后(Postdoctoral Researcher)
Carry out scientific research under the guidance of the leader of the research group, and welcome outstanding postdoctoral researchers to bring their own topics to the research group for cooperation; Support its application for National Natural Science Foundation of China and projects at provincial and municipal levels.
3. 副研究员/助理研究员(Associate Research Fellow/Assistant Research Fellow)
Carry out scientific research under the guidance of the leader of the research group, and welcome researchers to bring their own topics to the research group for cooperation; Support its application for National Natural Science Foundation of China and projects at provincial and municipal levels.
4. 研究助理(Research Assistant)
Aim to complete the experimental tasks assigned by the group leader and assist in handling laboratory administrative affairs. If you perform well, You can be recommended to study for a master's or doctoral degree.
5. 技术员(Technician)
Aim to complete the experimental tasks assigned by the group leader and responsible for maintaining the daily operations and administrative affairs of the laboratory.
6. 实验室管理员(Laboratory Manager)
Have a bachelor's degree or above, in life science- or medicine-related majors. Have excellent communication skills and teamwork skills. Familiar with daily office software. Priority will be given to applicants with laboratory management experience. Assist in the daily management and maintenance of the laboratory, including the management of experimental reagents and consumables, the maintenance of experimental equipment, and the management of laboratory hygiene; assist in the management of project funds and expense reimbursement work; assist in the safety management of the laboratory, the management of hazardous chemicals, the use of special equipment, and the sterilization of experimental materials; be responsible for and monitor the breeding and management of laboratory animals.
Qualified candidates will receive an internationally competitive salary, state-of-the-art core facilities. Assistance will be provided in applying for national and regional talent awards and subsides. Supporting personal career development and providing necessary job related professional training. Other benefits include Social insurance, paid annual leave, physical examination and supplementary medical insurance, etc.
(1)Curriculum vitae, including lists of publications and research funding;
(2)Research interest or plan;
(3)Other materials that can prove scientific research ability